Flight Training
BFR (Biennial Flight Review) and IPC (Instrument Proficiency Check)
Our experienced CFIs will perform your BFR or IPC with
your own aircraft or aircraft of NW Wings Aviation.
*We also offer a Pilot Currency Program,
Ensuring you are staying proficient ahead of your BFR & IPC.
A Biennial Flight Review (BFR), now known as flight review in the USA is a periodic flight review that is required of every active holder of a U.S. pilot certificate at least every 24 calendar months (FAR 61.56).
Your flight review will consists of a minimum of:
1 hour of flight training and 1 hour of ground training.
The FAA requires that the following is included:
(1) A review of the current general operating and flight rules of part 91 of this chapter; and
(2) A review of those maneuvers and procedures that, at the discretion of the person giving the review, are necessary for the pilot to demonstrate the safe exercise of the privileges of the pilot certificate.
A pilot in command (PIC) must have completed a flight review within the previous 24 calendar months.
*As part of our Pilot Currency Program NW Wings Aviation will help you to stay current beyond your initial proficient check with us. Occasionally, we will send you informational emails which will include topics for review and self assessment questions. It is our goal to keep our pilots current and proficient.While annual checks aren’t required by the FAA, scheduling practice and reviewing your skills with an instrument instructor helps ensure you are getting the experience you need to remain proficient. We will contact you when it is time for your next IPC.
CFI Issues Log Book Endorsement:
This is not a test. There are no pass or fail criteria, although our instructor might encourage more practice to increase your proficiency and safety. Upon completion, the CFI will endorse in your log-book that a flight review has been completed.

Elad teaches aviation thoroughly at a pace that suited me. He adapted well to the limitations of my plane and my aptitude, and he stuck with me until the ifr goal was acheived. I recommend him as a highly qualified and hard working cfi/cfii.

As someone who studied with multiple flight instructors, Elad with NW Wings Aviation was my best instructor. He is very professional and cares a lot about his students! Flying can be very stressful but he made a world of difference for me in any area of flying! I Would highly recommend flying with Elad Segal if you're interested in becoming a Pilot!

What a great experience getting to fly over the city and our neighborhood, and even got to take control of the plane as "pilot of the day". Our pilot was fantastic and explained everything in detail while reassuring my wife throughout (I didn't need it:)...I highly recommend this for anyone wanting to get out and live a little!
An Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC) is only required if a pilot's instrument currency lapses—there is no regularly recurring requirement for an IPC. As long as instrument-rated pilots accomplish the approach currency requirements of 14 CFR 61.57, a pilot may never require an IPC; however, instrument skills can become rusty.
Your flight review will consists of:
We spend a minimum of one hour of ground training and one hour of flight training; however, 14 CFR 61.57(d) does not stipulate a minimum time requirement for the IPC. We suggest planning approximately
3 1/ 2 hours from start of ground to end of flight for evaluation of your instrument flying knowledge and skills.
The FAA requires that the following is included(14 CFR 61.56):
The regulations (14 CFR 61.57(d)) state that an IPC must include “a representative number of tasks required by the instrument rating practical test.” A thorough IPC will cover general operating and flight rules for IFR as set out in 14 CFR Part 91 and in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM). Your CFI will review with you how to plan for your IPC.
CFI Issues Log Book Endorsement:
This is not a test. There are no pass or fail criteria, although our instructor might encourage more practice to increase your proficiency and safety. Upon completion, the CFI will endorse in your log-book that an instrument proficiency check has been completed.
*As part of our Pilot Currency Program NW Wings Aviation will help you to stay current beyond your initial proficient check with us. Occasionally, we will send you informational emails which will include topics for review and self assessment questions. It is our goal to keep our pilots current and proficient.
While annual checks aren’t required by the FAA, scheduling practice and reviewing your skills with an instrument instructor helps ensure you are getting the experience you need to remain proficient. We will contact you when it is time for your next IPC.