Flight Training
Commerical Pilot Certificate
Achieving your Commercial Pilot Certificate is the start of a rewarding career, with hundreds of potential career paths.
It allows you to legally receive compensation as a charter pilot, flight instructor, air ambulance pilot, agricultural pilot, and more.
In order to achieve your Commercial Pilot Certificate under FAR Part 61, you must
Be at least 18 years of age
Get a 2nd Class Medical Certificate
Have logged at least 250 hours, which includes the following:
100 hours of flight time in powered aircraft, including 50 hours in airplanes.
100 hours of pilot-in-command flight time, which includes at least—
~50 hours in airplanes; and
~50 hours in cross-country flight, of which at least 10 hours must be in airplanes. -
20 hours of training on the areas of operation listed in §61.127(b)(1) - Flight Proficiency of this part that includes at least—
~10 hours of instrument training using a view-limiting device, including attitude instrument flying, partial panel skills, recovery from unusual flight attitudes, and intercepting and tracking navigational systems (note that instrument training for a commercial certificate must be done by a CFII, and simply having an instrument rating does not satisfy this requirement if your logbook does not clearly reflect the completion of these tasks);
~10 hours of flight training in a complex airplane, a turbine-powered airplane, or a technically advanced airplane (TAA);
~One 2-hour cross country flight during daytime conditions covering a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nautical miles from the original point of departure;
~One 2-hour cross country flight during nighttime conditions covering a total straight-line distance of more than 100 nautical miles from the original point of departure; and
~3 hours of flight instruction with an authorized instructor during the preceding 2 calendar months before the practical test. -
10 hours of solo flight time or 10 hours of flight time performing the duties of pilot in command with an authorized instructor, on the areas of operation listed under §61.127(b) that include—
~A cross-country flight of at least 300 nautical miles total, with landings at a minimum of three points, one of which is a straight-line distance of at least 250 nautical miles from the original departure point; and
~5 hours in night VFR conditions, including 10 takeoffs and 10 landings (with each landing involving a flight in the traffic pattern - not “touch and goes”) at an airport with an operating control tower.
Pass an FAA written exam, You must take this test in person at a testing center.
Pass a flight physical from an FAA approved doctor.
Pass an FAA "Checkride". This test is typically a 3-4 hours long, with a 90 minute oral portion, a preflight portion, and 1.5-2 hour flight portion.

Elad teaches aviation thoroughly at a pace that suited me. He adapted well to the limitations of my plane and my aptitude, and he stuck with me until the ifr goal was acheived. I recommend him as a highly qualified and hard working cfi/cfii.

As someone who studied with multiple flight instructors, Elad with NW Wings Aviation was my best instructor. He is very professional and cares a lot about his students! Flying can be very stressful but he made a world of difference for me in any area of flying! I Would highly recommend flying with Elad Segal if you're interested in becoming a Pilot!

What a great experience getting to fly over the city and our neighborhood, and even got to take control of the plane as "pilot of the day". Our pilot was fantastic and explained everything in detail while reassuring my wife throughout (I didn't need it:)...I highly recommend this for anyone wanting to get out and live a little!